Do I have a case? : LUSENET : Law Of The Workplace : One Thread

I was resently terminated from my job because an individual made false claims that I and another worker made a hostile work enviroment, including "sexual assual and or harassment". and Issues having to do with code of conduct. This employee is a heterosexual male, who participated in all activities that we were fired for. Examples of such game were parden the expesion "nut slapping" rock ball which basicly means we threw rocks at eachother for fun and wresling around. The wresing around was called violence the rock ball was violence. They were games played by all 7 guys on the crew even the accuser but only two of us lost our Jobs. Do we have a case for wrongful termination? One last note I feel is very important our crew supervisor not only participated but on some occations instigated the talk and game. I also feel I should add the accuser also instigated alot of these activities.

-- James Cendro (, February 10, 2004

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