I love African movies!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Hello my Internet Church Family,

A few weeks ago, someone posted information about obtaining African movies from this website www.Africamovies.com. I don't recall the individual's name but I would like to thank him very much for this information. I have purchased 3 videotapes from this company in Brooklyn, New York. I have also had the added benefit of discussing them with a co-worker who is a Yoruba from Nigeria who has also seen the same movies.

One of the movies that I saw was called THE PRICE. It has a religious theme about a minister who is lied upon by one of his church members. The church council then fires him based upon the word of one member. I recommend this movie for all church folks.

I am also particularly excited about these movies because they allow for a cultural exhange between us and Nigerians. As you are well aware, the American media is very hostile towards Africa. We hear about the cataclysmic events, internal revolutions, famines, and other disasters all the time from CBS, NBS, and ABC. I have often wondered what do Nigerians, Ethiopians, South Africans, Ghanians, and the other citizens of African countries do when they are not involved in these events. Alas!!!, I get to see life in this particular country of Nigeria as seen by Nigerians. It's a blessing to see an African movie produced by Africans and to get a glimpse of Nigerian culture from their point of view.

It's actually a culture shock to me to see a city which is totally Black. Everything that is done in the city whether it be construction of the skyscrapers or running the banking system is done by all Black people. All of the businesses are operated by Black folks!!!! It also gives you a glimpse into the houses of Nigerian. Now, I am a realist, I know that the average Nigerian does not drive a Mercedes or live in a house which looks like a palace but when those guys get money, they spare no expense.

Once again, I would like to thank that individual who posted this information. Some of these religious tapes would be a great teaching tool.


-- Anonymous, January 27, 2004


Guilty as Charged. Thanks for the review.

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2004

Once again the site is allafricanmovies.com. I am always glad to be of assistance

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2004

Stumbled on your comments. Thought I should point you to an online magazine devoted exclusively to discussing the theme of this thread, Nigerian movies. Http://www.naijarules.com . Good luck.

-- Anonymous, February 18, 2004

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