NM - Bernalillo County Books Finally Balance

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Y2K discussion group : One Thread

County Treasurer Alex Abeyta made the announcement Monday morning. He said in anticipation of Y2K problems, The county entered a contract to update and combine the assessor and treasurer's tax software. That project caused numerous unforeseen problems and those problems created larger ones.

"The state auditor is supposed to complete an audit once a year, and so for two years, they couldn't do an audit because our books weren't balanced," Abeyta said.

Abeyta credits hard work and additional accounting staff for working out the problems. The treasurer's office manages more that $400 million a year.


-- Anonymous, January 27, 2004


Y2K Archives

New Mexico County's computer problem

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2004

Y2K Archives

NM: County Battles Software Ruling

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2004

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