Qualifications of elders and deacons

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

Brothers my question is this: In Timothy and Titus we are given the qualifications of deacons and elders. How long is a member considered to be a new christian? Thank you for your responses. Bruce Jordan in Port Saint Lucie, Florida

-- Anonymous, January 16, 2004



I don't think you can put a specific time to when a person is no longer new but rather mature enough to lead.

The Bible's emphasis is on that person's maturity and growth as a Christian. When he has passed certain tests of ministry and faith, then can he be considered no longer new.

From my point of view this takes years (not that I am accurate but I would guess at a minimum 5 years if they are growing). I have rushed people into leadership and have been hurt by it. So I do exhort everyone to be careful in rushing a person.

-- Anonymous, January 16, 2004

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