What was Poe's sexuality?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

What was Edgar Allan Poe's sexuality?

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2004


Lots of useless prying speculation. Poe seemed to recognize and tolerate homosexuals in a way that implied he was not. His relations with woemn were very respectful yet in search of attachment and support or an ideal similar to his artistic ideal. On the one hand his article on a manners guide for girls and on the other the playful coquetry of exchangin romantic verses, holding hands with women(married or not) in the parlor while sharing art. Perhaps he had some affiars. Certainly some groupie women who went after him were seriously lustful or vengeful yet Poe preferred the family type or those he could share his ideas and art with. No progeny. No public scnadals. No proof, which has led to a lot of people assuming he was impotent, etc.(which seems born of frustration by researchers disgusted with his relative innoncence). Not much excitement for those intent on speculating.

His relations with his wife were normal and finally very close. They started out on the rebound from a failed engagement when she was too young. It seems it was not consummated until she was older, that she was not up to his mental level, that she got ill and worried he would be alone. After her death Poe destabilized and erratically courted several women then died.

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2004

Who cares?

-- Anonymous, January 05, 2005

I guess he was gay

-- Anonymous, January 06, 2005

He might have been gay cause he never had kids or maybe he did all his women in the ass and mouth only and never spread his seed. He was a closet homo which is why he dropped out of militry school cause he got tired of hangin around a bunch of guys.

-- Anonymous, February 03, 2005

He is not gay! no more gay than god is! and nor is he happy!

-- Anonymous, February 09, 2005

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