PA-1 : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

Did the Southern ever use PA-1's?

-- Wayne Argabright (, January 09, 2004


This may be nitpicking but no Southern never onwed or operated PA-1s. They did however have PA-3s. There are distinctive differences between the two model types--Larry

-- Larry Puckett (, September 21, 2004.

Yes... ALCO PA3s 6900-6905, built in 11/ and 12/53. In Whithers book "Diesels of the Southern Railway," they list the units as being CNO&TP but the number series is incorrect for the subsidiary... they likely were owned by the NO&NE. Most, if not all, survived long enough to be repainted in the black, aluminum and gold scheme though all were retired and traded-in to EMD in 1965.

-- Jerry M. LaBoda (, January 09, 2004.

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