Side Stand and seat lock question : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Is there a way to make the "suicide" stand non self retracting? I am having trouble opening the seat lock. This bike was delivered last night so I have some "stupid" questions... I assume the same key used for the ignition opens the seat lock ... yes?

-- Bill MacCracken (, January 01, 2004


The key is the same for the rear seat and the ignition but I find if you put a little pressure on top of the seat before you operate the key, it will un lock fine. Happy new year Les

-- Les Spragg (, January 01, 2004.

I got the seat lock to open - thanks Les. As far as the stand stand goes it will stay down, once I loosed the Dzus fasteners in that area The stand seems to be interfering with the belly pan - there is a gouge in the paint ( first bit of character...) and the bracket that holds the spring keeps the assembly from going over center. The stand does hit the stop in the down position.

-- Bill MacCracken (, January 01, 2004.

Greetings Bill,

Ferracci sells a special kikstand bolt that replaced the stock bolt. This eliminates the interference between the spring plate and allows the stand to lock into position. You can purchase one at the following link: ml

-- Tim W (, January 01, 2004.

If you ever have trouble with the seat lock again, here's how you can open it (it's the only way I ever do, I never use the key):

Reach up under the fram about an inch to the right and slightly up from the lock. Pull the cable and that will pop the seat.

Good thing there's no room under there to store anything, as the lock is useless.

-- Brad Cowell (, January 04, 2004.

Hello Bill, I have a 02 MV and had the same problem on the side stand. The local dealer fit this problem out just by modifying the stand. Now is fix and it is much confortable. Ask to you dealer to help you in solving your matter: the price of this superbike should be comprehensive of the courtesy. Bye Carlo

-- Carlo (, January 07, 2004.

Phil read has a bolt to suit. Found that standard bolt can be shortened to prevent "return spring clip lever " attached to stand from reurning upwards once unweighted. note all bolts must be tie wired with stainless steel wire and checked periodically. If bolt becomes loose as mine did it leverages to much on the stands narrow castings. Mine snapped and was caught as a I had suspected and read on this sight other instances. Bike was in garage, fairings were being replaced after service etc, bike was on carpet and eventually lower to ground with foot peg leaving a smalll white mark on swingarm. Didn't order new stand as same weakness is in all 2000 f4 stands. Old stand was welded and moulded by hand to look sharp, and then I polished it to full lustre. MAGIC.

-- errol meulen (, January 23, 2004.

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