The 25 Articles of Religion : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

I was recently informed that there may be a movement afoot to look at one of the 25 Articles of Religion. From what I overheard, the discussion took place at the Convo in Birmingham. I also heard that there may be legislation establishing a permanent diaconate or some restructuring of the local ministry? Am I just hearing pipe dreams or are any of these issues being earnestly considered?

-- Anonymous, December 18, 2003


Harold -

Quit Teasing Me!!! :-) Which one of the 25 Articles of Religion is up for reexamination? If you took a poll, most AME Lay Members (some pastors too) don't even know 5 of the 25 Articles neither can they tell you where they can be located. Thinking like Martin Luther, I can think of at three Articles which are good candidates for review. QED

-- Anonymous, December 18, 2003

Here is a site that has the 25 articles and some explanations of them....Intresting point that was brought up...if pastors don't know them, what is the purpose of having them? We are taught the General Confession, Apostles' Creed, Lord's Prayer, e.t.c. but this seems to elude us in the spectrum of Christian Doctrine. It would be intresting to see which one is up for review, but first, there needs to be a mandate for all AME's to know these articles.

-- Anonymous, December 18, 2003

I may be wrong, but I think that all or most of the Methodist family conform with similar, if not identical Articles.

Would not such a change be made in consultation with our other Methodist brethren?

-- Anonymous, December 23, 2003

Bro. Bill as always you are on it. I am Thankful to a real AME grandmother who made sure I learned as much as I could about the AME church and it's beliefs. I am happy to say I know all 25 Article, but as you stated: How many pastors, officers or lay can name (you said five) I say two. It seems to me that some of the things that make our church unique we want to change or even delete. What's next? doing away withor changing the Decalogue?

-- Anonymous, December 23, 2003

I would like to know which Article is under consideration. It would take a massive effort to change any one of them, seeing that the Discipline makes it almost impossible.

-- Anonymous, December 23, 2003

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