history of the people living in the area code of 94122greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread |
i'm curious as to whether there were any deaths within the sunset district, specifically the area of 94122, before the year 1940. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated
-- natalie repin (dragonmage007@aol.com), December 07, 2003
How weird. Your question sounds like it was unusual for people to die in the Sunset before 1940. You might have to rephrase your question because unfortunately we have not as yet discovered the secret to immortality. It would however be interesting to see if there are any differences in the average life span of those in the Sunset to those of say Mill Valley and Walnut Creek.
-- Harry Murphy (harrymurphy*@bigmailbox.net), December 07, 2003.
Here’s the Public Health for more information:The Department of Public Health: http://www.dph.sf.ca.us/, street address: Community Health Epidemiology and Disease Control, SF Department of Public Health, 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 710, San Francisco, CA 94102
There's a “Find It” function on the home page.
-- Rosa (rosadebon@yahoo.com), December 07, 2003.
Area code or zip code? Well, having lived in the Sunset, and assigned zip code 94122, I think that's what you mean. It's safe to say that nobody died in zip code area 94122 in 1940 because zip codes were not introduced till 1963. For what it's worth, area codes came later, too; they were introduced in 1947 but called North American Numbering Plan (NANP).
-- will (willstaiger@yahoo.com), January 21, 2004.