2 More Pictures

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

Hey guys, just 2 images I grabbed.



Another animation clip due early next week.


-- Doug (Douglask@canada.com), December 04, 2003


Doug, does your girlfriend take requests, i.e. would she work on a short with me?

-- Ashly Kehl (stefburk@metrocast.net), December 04, 2003.

I can't wait to see the full bit!!

How long will it be?

-- Ashley Fox (3am@t256.com), December 04, 2003.

What program is she using? Maya, 3d max?

-- Ashley Fox (3am@t256.com), December 04, 2003.


Ashly Kehl - send and e-mail my way and I'll give you her e-addy if you two would like to converse about future projects.

Ashley Fox - We're not sure as to how long this will be as we're still early in the animation phase, but I'd picture the final outcome to estimate at around 3 Mins. Also, she is animating this piece using Softimage XSI.


-- Doug (Douglask@canada.com), December 04, 2003.

Any news on what the episode's about, or would that be too much of a spoiler.

-- Ashly Kehl (stefburk@metrocast.net), December 04, 2003.

There's no real conclusion to this short just yet as we're both indecisive about how it should end, but we have a few ideas to pound out in the next few weeks.

-- Doug (Douglask@canada.com), December 04, 2003.

Softimage... Gotta get on that. I'm stil in Max

An ending...

Aeon sould die, as always, (but from a fatal wound, only after killing everyone else).

-- af (3am@t256.com), December 08, 2003.

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