# of fansubbed Inuyasha's

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

How many fansubbed Inuyashas are out there right now? I've already been able to get 1-129. Thanks for you help.

-- Anonymous, November 23, 2003


Currently theres 1-132 subbed by various different groups. However, 130-132 have only been subbed by Saiyaman thus far. However, Saiyaman's subs are inaccurate, more often than not, what the subs say IS NOT what the characters are saying. ¬_¬ Its very irritating.

I recommend you go to #oukoku@irc.mircx.com and wait for their release of 130+. They're an excellent new group and much better than Saiyaman.

-- Anonymous, November 23, 2003

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