Underwater housing for Canon AE1

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Photography Singapore : One Thread


I have a Canon AE1 which is a great little camera. I have been looking into getting into underwater photography and have dabbled with housing for disposable cameras, etc. for a while and trying to avoid getting whole new system. Does anyone know where I might be able to get a housing system for a Canon AE1? I know Ikelite used to make them.

Thanks, Kieran

-- Kieran Lee (kieran@club-life.biz), November 20, 2003


I saw this post on during a search I was doing, Did you ever find a case? I have one that I have not used in years that I would like to sell.

-- Jim Keyho (jjkeyho@yahoo.com), January 25, 2004.

Do you still have that underwater case for the AE-1? If so, can you tell me what condition it is in and how much you want for it?

-- Jared Lipworth (lipworth@thirteen.org), June 22, 2004.

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