DBZ Budokai 2 {]===[]|>>>>>>>>>>\

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I know the most of u people luv DBZ much to watch, but are there any people who like DBZ to play? Cuz I do, and soon DBZ Budokai 2 will come and I think the game rockz. Although I prefer play Soul Calibur 2 or Tekken 4 and is way better then DBZ Budokai 1. But will it be worth to play this game Budokai 2. I just better wait when the game comes out soon.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2003


let me tell you something.......

if you get the US copy of dbz games they are Dubed and if you get the UK version they are jap dubed with subs saying stuff like 'YOU ARNT SALLYS!!!!'

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2003

I don't know why atari lets funimation do sound bites for the games, a subbed version using japanese soundbites from the original would be much better. Maybe I'll move to UK.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2003

Cool! I probably get the UK version, cuz I live in Holland.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2003

"Cool! I probably get the UK version, cuz I live in Holland."

Really? With Windmills and Milkmaids with massive-brestesses? I know it was like that in Switzerland, minus the Windmills...

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2003

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