Informal Poll for the Ladies: A-A Women in Church Leadership : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

To all the Ladies on the Board:

I am currently working on a research paper concerning characteristics that are specific to African-American women in church leadership. If any of you have the time, I would love to receive your comments and opinions via this informal poll. I will start compiling responses on Saturday (11/22) so if you could respond before this date, that would be most helpful. I don't want to leave anyone's opinions out. If you do not have time to respond, I'd appreciate a couple of prayers instead!!!

Please respond directly to my email addy: to make ensure that your responses are confidential. If you can respond to some or all of the questions below, please include your denomination, approximate age, and current role in the church if any. Of course, names and specific references will remain anonymous. Thanks!

The questions are as follows:

- What do you think drives African-American women toward church leadership? - Do you have any childhood role models that were active in the church? If so, who? - Have you had a call to ministry experience (either lay ministry or clergy?) If so, tellme about it. - What are the most significant personal challenges you have faced while working in the church thus far? How did you handle them? - What are the most significant challenges that you have encountered from others? How did you handle them? - What role have men in the church played throughout your church experience? - Are there any roles that you feel women are especially qualified for? If so, which ones? - What do you feel are your gifts? - What do you feel are your weaknesses? What have you done to offset them? - What is your vision for women in church leadership over the next 15 years? - How do you advise that we practice grooming other African-American women as viable lay leaders and clergywomen? - What do you highlight as challenges to African-American female leadership in the future?

-- Anonymous, November 18, 2003

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