Funny! Inuyasha : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Whose been reading the card thingys on adult swim? The ones saying how annoying the fans were about complaing where Inuyasha went. To quote one... Wow. You just made it through another comercial break. The way you Inuyasha fans complain, you would think that a whole five minuites of interuption would at least start a tiny riot.

Do you all feel proud now or what? By the way, it's good to be back.

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2003


I read that one too.

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2003

LoL DragonBreeder, thats pretty funny! lol, i wouldn't know since i live in canada and finally they are starting the new HIT show INUYASHA!!! yaaaaa wooottt

-- Anonymous, November 18, 2003

poor person just starting inuyasha WHILE I KEEP SEEING REPEATS ON TV!!

Damn people-well at least its on.

-- Anonymous, November 22, 2003

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