Is it just my computer, or did the font size at AnimeNfo get way bigger? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
it's way too big... it's annoying, just wondering if some strange problem with my computer
-- Anonymous, November 15, 2003
It's your computer.
-- Anonymous, November 15, 2003
thought so, thanks
-- Anonymous, November 15, 2003
do you have an optical scrool mouse? (with the "wheel" between the buttons) if so, then hold the 'ctrl' key and move the wheel up/down to change the text apperance. If you have another type of mouse then just press 'alt+v' then 'x' then 's'. it should restore it to the old text size.
-- Anonymous, November 16, 2003
wow, thank you so much, I never knew you could do that!
-- Anonymous, November 17, 2003