WHERE CAN I GET FCLC DIRECT DOWNLOADS?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
anyone know ftp or http servers with FLCL downloads?
-- Anonymous, November 13, 2003
sorry don't know any, but if you use bittorrent you can get them here: http://personales.ya.com/ryogax/
-- Anonymous, November 14, 2003
not many places have flcl downloads because gainax says they don't want people having downloads,if you don't believe me go to gainax .com and browse a bit you'll eventually find it
-- Anonymous, November 15, 2003
I don't even remember how I got here originally, but I hope this helps. ftp://anime-inferno.sytes.net/anime/FLCL/
-- Anonymous, November 16, 2003