does anyone know where i can find dragonball movies and episodes no using kazaa or anything of that sort : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

does anyone know where i can download dragonball movies and episodes direct not using kazaa or any p2p files.


-- Anonymous, November 09, 2003


do you live close to any kind of mall or specialty store? if you live in sacremento,ca then you can go to the downtown plaza. there's a store there that specializes in anime & whatnot. there are always tons of dbz movies there. I know this isn't much help,but it's a chain store and it may be other places. Checking a mall is a good idea anyway. you're welcome.

-- Anonymous, November 12, 2003

Dude, i live in sac and that place is gone....a long time ago....

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2005

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