Japanese Text Translation

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Does anyone know what the Japanese text under the Initial D title image translates to in English?

-- Anonymous, November 04, 2003


thats a funny question to ask. it stands for "Initial" just like it says

-- Anonymous, November 04, 2003

Initial Initial D? O_o

-- Anonymous, November 04, 2003

having English is seen as something that is cool in japan which is why they normally put the english version of it and the japanese is for people who cant read english

-- Anonymous, November 04, 2003

I understand.

Another question:
What is 'Initial' in Japanese?

-- Anonymous, November 04, 2003

those three words that under initial is the japanese word "initial" u get it now.???

-- Anonymous, November 05, 2003

The kanji under there is pronounced "kashiramoji" and mean "initials/first letter of a word."

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2003

omgplzdiekthxbai @ bobo

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2003

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