FTP Servers

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Hey guys. I've got an idea, why don't u just pool all the FTP's you know of here. Then bookmark it. That way when people ask for FTPs, you can direct em to this entry. I'm sick of looking for em, and im sick of hearing "Where are they". So if we can get this all on one post, it might be easier. It's worth a shot at least.

You need to include: + ftp adress + username + password + port (or remote port) number (it is important on some FTP servers) + Some of the stuff that the FTP server has.


-- Anonymous, November 03, 2003


I don't give out ftp addys unless the owner encouraged it. The ftps that I know are hammered to death that I'm not sure if the host would appreciate it.

-- Anonymous, November 03, 2003

Yeah, but some people keep their FTPs open for the public. Not everyone cares if their FTP is used by a lot of people, as long as it is used. Otherwise, what is the point of an FTP?


-- Anonymous, November 03, 2003

obvioulsy some one wants anime off ftp and asking in a indirect way so they dont seem like a begger....

10 for effort 9 for creativity 0 for getting and answerers.


-- Anonymous, November 04, 2003

I give him a 7 for effort, 5 for creativity, since this FTP thing has been done like 5 times already, as he would know if he had gone through the older posts first.

-- Anonymous, November 04, 2003

I obviously want ftps, im not hiding it lol. But still, it would make sense wouldn't it. I meant to include that in the messege, but i forgot, of course you wont believe me though, whatever.

I was just trying to make it easier. If you want to keep answering the same question over and over again, thats up to you.


-- Anonymous, November 04, 2003

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