Sarah Davis a good candidate for Bishop : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Have you heard about Sarah Davis from Texas 10th District, She looks like she will be a good candidate.

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2003


Unfortunately, a gender choice will have to be made. Either Sarah Davis or Carolyn Guidry-Tyler will be elected Bishop. Gender politics will preclude both female candidates being elected in the same year. This is not "code language" but simple reality. QED

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2003

So sad that we learned our lessons so well that we too can place a qouta on the number of females allowed through the glass ceiling. In the words of St. Paul (I think), "My brethren, it ought not be that way." If history teaches anything, we have to know that our Sisters will one day dominate the Church, what then?

Be Blessed

-- Anonymous, November 01, 2003

Rev. George Champion sandwiched between Rev. Sarah Davis and Rev. Carolyn Guidry Tyler would make an excellent choice as a candidate for bishopric. There shouldn't be a ceiling. We need to look toward "those that can get the job done well."

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2003

Yes i have heard about Rev Sara Davis from the "talented" tenth District. Indeed, she is a good candidate.I hear she is in charge of the Connectional Prayer team.

The tenth has also managed to produce for the "sensation" Seventeenth Episcopal District another candidate Rev N.Jordan Mkwanazi.He is an indigenous African from Zimbabwe currently pasturing Bethel AME Church in Dallas Texas.He too is a good candidate.

God has ordained those who will go through the Episcopal door to be consecrated Bishops.We only need to be still and know that He (God) is holding these candidates together..2004 will be a turning point for overseas districts.

-- Anonymous, November 03, 2003

Unfortunately, a candidates ability to just "get the job done" is not enough to garner a spot in the AME Bishopric. Unfortunatley, money and savy political ties take priority. God bless.

-- Anonymous, November 06, 2003

Olivia opines -

"Unfortunately, a candidates ability to just "get the job done" is not enough to garner a spot in the AME Bishopric. Unfortunatley, money and savy political ties take priority."

Hmmm........are you suggesting that the AMEC elects Bishops not on the "content of their character" but on the color of money? QED

-- Anonymous, November 07, 2003

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