Is there such thing as a megaman anime series?!?!?!? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Is there such thing as a megaman anime series?!?!?!?
-- Anonymous, November 01, 2003
yes there is
-- Anonymous, November 01, 2003
There is ?!?!?!? where can i download it?!?!?!?
-- Anonymous, November 01, 2003
You can find it on, the actual name for the current megaman anime is rockman.EXE, but you can only find raws there.
-- Anonymous, November 01, 2003
Wasn't Rockman.EXE dubbed and thrown onto Kids WB earlier this year? I thought's still up on the Kids WB website.
-- Anonymous, November 01, 2003
They haven't shown any rockman.exe eps this season on kids wb, maybe they plan to do it later this year or early next year.
-- Anonymous, November 02, 2003
there is 1 on teletoon called megaman NT
-- Anonymous, November 12, 2003