Games- Inuyasha-Naruto-trigun-outlaw star.! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Hi...... Is Inyasha, Naruto ever gonna have a console game part from GBA? like a playstation game or ps2 game?Also what about trigun or outlawstar, where there any games made?
If so for any of them please tell me their release dates.
P.S= If you could gimmie any links for any GBA Naruto games + inuyasha roms i would be grateful. If you also know of any add-on translater to inyasha or Naruto gba games please do tell.
-- Anonymous, October 29, 2003
well, i dont kno ne thing bout trigun or outlaw star, but there is a fighting game based on inuyasha for psx. forgot da name, but they are now makin a new Naruto game for PS2, which is also a fighting gamehope dat helped
-- Anonymous, October 29, 2003
There is a psx Naruto game and a GBA one too though its in japenese.
-- Anonymous, October 31, 2003
you can get sum Naruto downloads of da GBA games in japanese @ dis site also u can find out wot all da games r about cos thrs also sum naruto games released for gamecube aswell.
-- Anonymous, November 03, 2003