2 Head High Quality Commercial Machine /w Grinder.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Coffee Related Buy/Sell/Trade : One Thread

(I meant in a previous post to offer this unit for sale)

I recently did a job for a kitchen equipment company who couldnt pay me for my services but instead gave me a commercial espresso machine... its a Rosito Bisani Maxi America Del-2


Its brand new, still in crate, a not-yet-activated warentee. Same unit you would buy off from the importer. I am willing to consider any serious offers.

you can get in contact with me at kpjunk@blestnest.com if your interested and I can get more info/call/etc.

Karl P

-- Karl Peterson (kpjunk@blestnest.com), October 29, 2003


Do you still have the espresso machine? Can you tell me anything more about it? Do you have a picture? Is it NSF approved? Where are you located?

-- Martine (msshahar@aol.com), June 05, 2004.

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