Naruto GBA English Version? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I have the japanese version of the Naruto RPG game on the GBA (the newer one, not the platform one) But theres only so much fun you can have playing a version where you dont know the subtitles =).Does anyonwe know if this game has been translated yet? and if so is there a link to download it?
-- Anonymous, October 28, 2003
you could always just learn japanese.... and then translate it for all of us! YEH YEH thats good! so get started skipper, and we'll be waiting
-- Anonymous, October 28, 2003
geez...i'll try to check to see if there is a translated version but I highly doubt there is one.
-- Anonymous, October 28, 2003
The game was released 12 sept 2003. Its not even 2 months old. Highly doubt that there would be an english translation this early on. There isn't even any game guides on it yet. So far I'm trying to play the game in jap. If I get far I'll write up a guide.
-- Anonymous, November 03, 2003