Alliance & Leicester : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

We are nearly at the crunch, I have been buffeted for the last 2yrs They got a judgement but how when my case was pretty good, and I was not represented because I couldn't get any help. Does this mean that if you can't afford legal help u have to crash and burn?? for the second time! Still they will not converse with the CAB Can anyone help us now??

-- Sally-Jane Read (, October 27, 2003



If you give us more details then perhaps we can suggest a course of action.


-- M Amos (, October 28, 2003.

The upshot of all this is they have a charge on our house, we have asked CAB to help as it stands at the moment the A&L will not give any figures so we can make an offer to release our house! They, that is Mark Butler, offered the chance to negotiate then refuses to give any numbers, they constantly sent letters not offering any constructive or fair treatment, I'm afraid that without you reading the reams of paper that they sent us in duplicate you may not get the full picture. I am convinced that they didn't have a chance in the first summons, until, stupidly I took the advice of a solicitor that told me they would not want to change their case unless they had made a mistake! They must have and I am beating myself up that I agreed to them changing the case to include the terms and conditions of 'the mortgage'..... I was under the impression that the mortgage was no more and they couldn't do that, WRONG!

-- Sally-Jane Read (, October 29, 2003.

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