I lost my paid download of Kazaa Goldgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Please if you can give mr the info I need to be able to download Kazaa Gold. I have paid for a long time ago however I had to restore my computer back to factory settings and so It wqas lost. I was told by this email address (orders@1stsoftwaredownloads.com) to go to a web cit that only gives me the optition of downloading Kazaa++ Not Gold I no that everyone says kazaa is free but I was charged $29.95 and was told it was Kazaa Gold and a one life time fee. So I would be very greatful for any help on getting what I paid for back and also the correct copy that I paid for not Kazaa++ but Gold. Thank you for you help looking forward to your reply to my email address.
-- Anonymous, October 25, 2003
I think you just lost 30 bucks.
-- Anonymous, October 25, 2003
why would you pay for kazaa?!
-- Anonymous, October 25, 2003
good job baka, u wasted ur money
-- Anonymous, October 25, 2003
unfortunatly as the people before me have already said you've been tricked, kazaa gold is just a hacked copy of kazaa lite (kazaa++). I dont think you'll be able to get your money back either so if you still want kazaa (the free version) go over to: http://www.kazaalite.tk/ and download the adware-free and more advanced version of kazaa; kazaa lite.
-- Anonymous, October 25, 2003
a lesson well learned.... shame that vunerable people can be ripped off so easily on the internet.
-- Anonymous, October 31, 2003
"Hey, look at me, I'm selling Kazaa Diamond for only $100!! You can find every anime in the world on it, yay!!" And a hundred fangirls and boys come begging...Anyway, it's unfortunate that this happened to you, Sandy, but I don't think there's any easy way of getting your money back. Perhaps you could try contacting the ISP of those 1stsoftwaredownloads people and having them shut down/prosecuted so they can't scam any more people.
-- Anonymous, October 31, 2003