Hellsing....anime or manga

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

well, since they started showin da hellsing anime on action channel, i've heard so much about it and never got da chance to check it out....since i been watchin it on action, i think its a pretty good anime dat i mite buy....but is da anime better or is it like some cases where da manga is better?

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2003


annnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiimeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee or wait....maybe Goten would look ever more KAWAII in manga..i wouldnt know goten goten goten goten goten goten goten goten goten he rocks ^_^

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2003

the manga is also very good. may u first search the internet for some scans and decide whether to buy it or not. here in Germany a MUSIC- channel called VIVA started showing the anime, too. they changed opening and ending to somewhat from keith flint :( (they also changed the X-series opening and ending. now it's "mother earth" from within temptation. i hate the channel for doing this!) In Germany you can't get the manga. good luck for me - so its not illegal to search for the German version in the internet (and there IS a German version *hehehehe*) long speech, no sense: i read parts of the manga before the anime and were happy, when i heard, that they show the anime. both is better ^^

datt audrey

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2003

thx...i guess ill check out da manga den....juz need to find a place to find first vol.

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2003

goten is kawaii

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2003

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