the greatest love story ever told : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

i was riding the train on yesterday and i came across a young man. his name was terrel mcbride. he had a nice blazer and slacks on i thought he was a lawyer or a banker. so i asked him what is he. and he said a student and a preacher. we began talking and he started telling me about him traveling to niagra this weekend to preach. and i thought that was just phonomenial a young man on the move. so we started talking and we started talking about love. and that i sometimes feel unloved. so we started talking about jesus. and when he got off the train he said remember jesus love for you is the greatest love story of them all. i said all that to say i used to be methodist in florida and i thought all methodist were bad. but to see a young man of God really made me ashamed of my self. so if he reads this i will be at your church this sunday and be encouraged.

-- Anonymous, October 08, 2003


Terrel is a wonderful young man who I have come to love and admire. he has a lot of potential in the AME church and will do well once he finishes his ordination track and go to Seminary. He is definitely a preacher's preacher who is well travelled and loved in this Zion. Jesus is the greatest love story ever told and all your answers can be found in him. So keep young McBride in your prayers as God does a new thang in him and his work in this vineyard will not be in vain.

-- Anonymous, October 08, 2003

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