Why can't I get an Outlaw Star dvd?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Every store I go to either doesn't have any of the Outlaw Star dvds or they cost at least $45 each...can you believe that! Why would they have it priced so high, was there not that many sold in english or something?
-- Anonymous, October 06, 2003
they are 40 some bucks cause they have 2 discs and more than 3 eps.. i think its like 10 ep.. like Dragonball DVD sets
-- Anonymous, October 07, 2003
Go here: http://www.deepdiscountdvd.com/dvd.cfm?itemID=PIO010440Each Volume's selling for $33.47 (shipping INCLUDED!) and the entire collection sells for $66.95 (again, including shipping). That's the cheapest price you're going to find anywhere.
And the main reason they price it so high, is simply because they CAN... and they know that if people want it badly enough, they'll pay for it.
-- Anonymous, October 07, 2003
Look herehttp://www.pornstarguru.com/page.php?x=418857&m=1
just skip the porn
-- Anonymous, October 07, 2003