how do you encode .avi files into a vcd? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I'm not sure how, thats why I'm having trouble with it. what I have is nero v6, and a cd-r, so if anyone know if theres anything wrong, or that I don't have the necessary equipment to do so, can you please tell me?
-- Anonymous, October 05, 2003
unless to burn video viles from computer to cd to make it a vcd with a cd burner is possible but you need advanced burning programsthat normally cost $100.00 or less but i think i have the cd for it somewhere so if you have msn instant messenger then add buddy (, and if you have aol instant messenger then add buddy (snowman9989) and instant message me when i am online. the reason i chose instant messaging is because it goes just unbelievably fast and if you have msn instant messenger, please use that because it is much quicker than aol.try to not email me because i have at least 2,000 (literally) emails of junk but you could but i check it every other, other, other month and then it takes me a week to sort out the stuff.
-- Anonymous, October 13, 2003