Can anyone tell me where i can find ps2 emulaor who does really really really works pleas!!!! I will be very thankful : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Please Help me please!!! can you tell me where i can find playstation 2 Emulator, becuse i tried many ps2 emulator and they did'nt work, so pleas i want an emulator who does works please!!!!!

-- Anonymous, October 03, 2003


I am sorry but there is no ps2 emulator that can play commercial games and the emulators will probably come in the next couple years.One last thing you need a fast computer to play ps2 isos anyways.

-- Anonymous, October 03, 2003

o_O. I didn't even know those were out yet. I'm so behind =__=. I usually buy my favourite PS games anyway, all for the sake of the game companies. But if I find a PS2 emulatory around, I'll be sure to let you know.

-- Anonymous, October 03, 2003

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