Magazine Update! Italianbike No. 8 Sep/oct 2003 : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hi all,

UK's ItalianBike have an article about F4 and a Ducati 748. Nothing new but nice to have for collectors like myself... :)


-- Nils Haak (, October 03, 2003


It's actually a new 749..and they say the Duc is a better all around machine:-/

-- ben (, October 03, 2003.

Yeah but they tested it against a 2000 model MV! I have a 748 and an Evo 2 MV, I have tried a 749 and it isnt in the same league as an Evo II for power. It just sounds a lot nicer, as does my 748.

-- Andy (, October 06, 2003.

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