Language : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Hey guys!!!!!! Wuzzzup!!!!!!!! Japanese anime is hot today!!! Also the language!!!! how did u guys get 2 learn japanese...... Can u share u ideas and experiences with me???? ( I think leaning Jpanese is a very kool thing!=) :)
-- Anonymous, September 28, 2003
Usually I watch animes and listen to music and I eventually pick up a few words and sentences. You could take lessons or classes to learn it if you can. But their can be other ways too :p
-- Anonymous, September 28, 2003
I can teach ya some i guess. but it kinda hard if you can't really listen to the words being pronouce. A lot a ppl have a problem pronouncing the "R" myself as well. It pronouce more like a "d" with a r sound at the end and your tounge has to be at the roof of your mouth as you say it. If you can do that you can pronouce it ok. But it takes a lot of practice. IF your really serious you could IM me on aim SN is seithvon.
-- Anonymous, September 28, 2003
so u guys think learning Japanese is quiet hard bout fun eh???
-- Anonymous, October 04, 2003