Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Arcade ROM : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Any1 know where 2 find Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for Arcade? This is impossible to find!!!

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2003


By no way am I an expert on emulation, but I think you are right. It is impossible to find Marvel vs. Capcom 2 to play on computer because the arcade game is CPS-3, and as far as I know, there aren't any emulators out there that will let you play CPS-3 games on your computer.

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2003

Thanks dawg, looks like my search has come to an end...for now...

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2003

its a pity isnt it. i really wanna play this game too. problem is thtat its on a pretty powerful board - exceeds dreamcast power i think, and emulators usually take around 10 times the processor speed of tthe original board. but even in this case, the cps3 has i think multi processor system like the saturn - which is why it is so hard to emulate. that and they havent cracked the code for the roms yet. having said that - the rom DOES exist. i found it on a few pages - but ur best bet would be to get a dreamcast iso of it

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2003

Yes, its not on any emulator. Because it would be on the CPS-3 which either hasnt been put on a rom or our cpu's cant handle it.

And by the way i own MVC 2 on dreamcast. It cant exceed it because its on it!!!

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2003

anybody have a good/solid emu for dreamcast on xbox? that will kick- ass on my collection of goodies for my modbox. Naw mean?

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2003

you can find something on www.emuasylum.? Forgive me i forgort the entire adress

-- Anonymous, September 27, 2003

i have a powerfull emulator for dreamcast... but i want to test if the MvsC2 game can run on it... can you tell me where to get it? specially you Simonsimonian

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2003

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