Fruits Basket Scanz!! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Does anyone know where I can get any of these mangas to download or read online??? Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, Demon Diary, D.N. Angel, Trigun, Ah! My Goddess?? thanx!! Also not or any other one that is made by that person cause the webiste is always down. thanx!!!
-- Anonymous, September 20, 2003
u can get Chpt 7-9 (first half of Vol. 2) of Furuba at my site... just click and download...
help at all? I'm trying to get the rest in once they approve me for more space, (i got it all along w/D.N.Angel) unless someone out there is nice enough to provide me w/some hosting...
-- Anonymous, September 22, 2003