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riaa is after music downloaders but what about anime
-- Anonymous, September 19, 2003
riaa-recording industry association of america,they will only go after people sharing copyrighted mp3's not any thing else.
-- Anonymous, September 20, 2003
Anime will be far down their list. After the music stuff, films will be the next target.
-- Anonymous, September 20, 2003
riaa should pull their heads out of their ass to make way for the dildo of reality
-- Anonymous, September 20, 2003
just dont buy any cds tapes or dvds. the industry like and other company needs to feed or it will weaken and die, and its food is money. Let it starve and something better can take its place.
-- Anonymous, September 21, 2003
those bastards are already earning so much $$ by overcharging the music cds 20 times more than production costs, that's why pp are looking elsewhere for cheaper (or free) sources, and they have the nerve to say it's our fault!
-- Anonymous, September 21, 2003
those bastards are already earning so much $$ by overcharging the music cds 20 times more than production costs, that's why pp are looking elsewhere for cheaper (or free) sources, and they have the nerve to say it's our fault!-- nobody (nobody@home.idiot), September 21, 2003.
That's the most intelegent thing I've heard all day.......
Any way it's illegal to for them to do that....some one must remember one of my old speeches on this subject......
-- Anonymous, September 21, 2003