Was that the last ep of Blue Gender? And Did you guys like it?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Was that the last ep of Blue Gender? And Did you guys like it? I just want to know. I thought they rushed it at the end. But it wasn't so bad.

-- Anonymous, September 17, 2003


The last episode was fairly decent. I loved the fact that Marlene became pregnant somehow (i wish they had shown when she had time to do such a thing). The song towards the end was also very cool. I'd give it an 8 out of 10.

-- Anonymous, September 17, 2003

It wasn't bad. It was a surprise that everyone on the station killed each other, but sort of fitting.

-- Anonymous, September 17, 2003

it was good and all but why did everybody kill each other on second earth.

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2003

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