I tryed everything but bittorrent.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
emish and kazaa are too slow i dowenloaded bittorrent but it dose'nt work pleaz help it just says bittorrent is installed
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2003
Why the triple post? Anyway, you don't actually need to DO anything with bittorrent. You just click on the torrent of the file you want (try www.animesuki.com or anime.mircx.com) and the client handles everything so you can sit back and wait for your file to arrive. Bittorrent is slow if you have 56k or if the file you're trying to get is either old or unpopular. Otherwise it's quite good.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2003
Thanks :)
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2003