ShinSub or HaroHaro for Gundam Seed?? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

which one does a better translating job??

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2003


I hear ShinSub is much better, Mendels-Hope is inbetween and Haro is the worst.

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2003

uhhh! did the Shinsub subbed 45 and 46 if they did can u tell me where can i dl it BT Thanks...

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2003

You can try or That's where I go. But yeah I usually get Shinsub

-- Anonymous, September 15, 2003

I have never downloaded Shinsub... but i think HaroHaro translation is pretty good. I downloaded Gundam Seed 48 from meldels' hope, but when i compare it to the Gundam Seed 48 from Haroharo, it seems that the codec used by haroharo is better in audio and overall quality wise.

-- Anonymous, September 16, 2003

I've DLed HaroHaro fansubs for the past few eps, they are Ok, but they're subs are whacked, they mess up alot. I've gotten GSEED from AnimeJunkies since ep 1 to 40 some, and they were amazing! If Shinsub is better then AJ, e-mail me the url to where i can DL em'. thanks!


-- Anonymous, September 19, 2003

AJ amazing? Granted I'm one of the few that thinks aj can still do good subbing jobs on a sometime basis, but I can't stand how they name the characters, and how the fuck did they come up with ponbat (supposed to be wombat)?

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2003

Haven't seen the ponbat bit, but it's the naming in the OTHER fansubs that just make me feel ill. So what if it's "official," I just can't stomach Fllay for Frey (sounds like something you'd do to a horse) and Athrun for Asuran. When in doubt, just romanize it, I always say. In terms of OP/ED translations, though, the other groups have got AJ beat.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2003

I've downloaded both ShinSub and Haro^2 since AJ stopped. What I can tell is HaroHaro did a better traslation, with more suitable words which suit the episode's siuation.

-- Anonymous, September 21, 2003

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