Inuyasha epsiodes on AS on CN : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I just read on adult swim that Inuyasha last set of all new episodes will end next week. Is it true that they bought all of Inuyasha episodes? Before Inuyasha came out in August, I read on a web site that Inuyasha was coming back in March and CN bought up to 65 episodes. Whats true?

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2003


I never heared they had bought 65 episodes, though I did hear they have bought all the episodes.. so I dunno, maybe they only did buy 65...

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2003

They better have bought all of the episodes...and they better play them all soon!!!!

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2003

were probab;y not going to see them untill next year

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2003

right now there are over 120 eps....and there will probably be a lot it might be more than a year :(

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2003

Cn HAS bought up to 104 but not all of its been dubbed at the moument. I've heard just up to 70 are all thats done

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2003

I heard that CN bought all the episodes up to 58 or 60 I think and only showed up to episode 36. Then they took that like 4 month break and brought out sixteen more and it will end next week. I heard that Sn is just doing this so that we will conintue watching the show? Which is not a very good reason to be stopping for like 4 months and then showing them again, but it's not all of them, when they already have up to episode 60! They really do suck some times. I'm going to start buying the subbed ones if they stop for longer then a month because I hate being left in the dark!!!

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2003


-- Anonymous, September 13, 2003

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