Peacock Adoption? : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

I seem to have this cute young male hanging around the house for the last week. None of the neighbors claim him. He doesn't have much of a tail yet and he seems pretty tame. He eats out of my hand and follows me around.

Does anyone know what he should be fed? I'm just not sure what to do with the goofy guy? He really puts on a show racing around after grasshoppers! Mostly tho he just lays in front of the glass doors looking at his reflection. He is beautiful. Any suggestions?....Kirk

-- Anonymous, September 10, 2003


You oughta adopt him, Kirk!! If no one else claims him, that is. Sounds like he's developed a "crush" on you :-)!!! Hope ya know how LOUD they can be, though! I haven't a clue about the care and feeding of peacocks. Keep us posted....!

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2003

Peacocks eat game bird feed, kirk; they need the extra protein, but you can vary it with regular poulty feed (unmedicated) and even dog or cat food, and other stuff you would throw to chickens, like veggie and fruit trimmings. I love peafowl; lotus raised them for years. He will need a buddy or two though, and some basic shelter, especially come winter, or you'll hafta take him into your house!

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2003

Em.... afterchecking out the size of those droppings I think a shelter more than my house! Thats some large doo doo! Hey! He has a girl friend he found some where?? he did this cute little mating dance for her too!

What kinda shelter do you think. Like just a shed they can come and go? Wood floor with straw?....Kirk

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2003

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