SAR - Data : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

Hi All

Wonder if anyone can help

Have received a lot of data from SAR the B&B, but there is no mention and no doc's relating to the solicitors "Drydens".

If that is the case can I go back to the B&B and ask them why a third party is writing to me when there is no documentation showing that they are actual acting on their behalf.

Or should I go back to the B&B and ask them to forward all docs and communications to "Drydens" from them, or do there not come under the SAR.

Regards Gaz

-- Gaz (, September 10, 2003



All personal data which falls under the 1998 DPA has to be disclosed to you. I would go back to B&B and ask them the question/s you put forward. I would also SARN Dryden's.


-- M Amos (, September 11, 2003.

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