GitS: Stand Alone Complex : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

well, so far 24 episodes of the series is available for download and only 19 are subbed. I was wondering if anybody knows a site that has a script of episodes 20-24?

-- Anonymous, September 06, 2003


I believe that Bandai went after all the fan-subbers and asked them to stop subbing this series... I'm not sure if someone else is going to finish it though...

-- Anonymous, September 07, 2003

If thats the case, then hopefully they'll still make the fansubs, but wait until the series end and release them all at once. Keeps Bandai off their backs until they're finished.

-- Anonymous, September 07, 2003

You have a much bigger chance waiting for dvdrips than fansubs.

-- Anonymous, September 07, 2003

uumm, i have all 24 episodes (so far) but i just want to know if anyone knows a site that has the script for episodes 20-24. There are still fansubbers fansubbing it. but they release like two episodes a month. This is the same case in japan, but they already up to 24 eps. So, for the month of sept. only episdoes 20 & 21 are gonna be fansubbed. But they're still 3 eps. behind. So, I was just wondering if someone knows of a site that has a translated script or something in text format

-- Anonymous, September 07, 2003

I really don't know. I remembered people asking for scripts in fansubbing channels and it raised hell in there. I'm not even sure if you can even find scripts of unlicensed anime, let alone licensed ones.

-- Anonymous, September 07, 2003

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