playing tekken/2/3/ oh my : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
ok i know how to use the CPS2 and 1 i got the Gameboy and the nintendo 64 but i want the best emulator in the world but i don't know where or how to work it its the best it plays tekken rivil school bloody roar and all the good 3D playstation games so if you know sent me a link or whatever and if you have a question about the nintendo 64(roms or emulator) or gameboy(roms or emulator) or CPS2(capcom thingy system, marvel vs capcom, marvel vs street fighter)
-- Anonymous, September 01, 2003
epsxe is the best psx emulator get it at,also you need to download the psx bios.
-- Anonymous, September 01, 2003
if you want to play psx on ur pc get emurayden psx emulator. its quick,easy,and u dont need a psx bios. it even has its own memory card manager try it one day
-- Anonymous, November 10, 2003