How come my download stopped at 99.7% ????????? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I was trying to download sakura war from animejunkies untill my download speed become 0kb/sec for some reason. Does anyone know whats going on?

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003


Either there are no Seeds or nobody is uploading.

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003

I seem to be uploading, and there appears to be people seeding aswell. Anyone?

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003

Yah, same thing happened with another file just a few minutes ago, at 98%. I just decided to put it off and download it some other time. It wasn't particularly vital anyway. It's possible that the program is in error and there are, in fact, no seeds available. Either wait a while or go the the animejunkies channel and beg someone to reseed it for you. If it's at 99.7%, it shouldn't be a problem.

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003

It's an algorithm in bittorrent that if you don't upload enough, you won't get any d/ls. I guess what happens is that the total amount you uploaded wasn't enough so if the situation of having only seeds on the torrent arises, you won't get any segments from them.

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2003

i don't think that's the reason, but in the first place, it's not a big problem if it only occur once. i had the problem b4 and i think it's due to the connection on my side cos the dl rate suddenly drop during peak hour and half the peers disappear. it's nothing serious. u can either leave the BT on for a while or cancel the dl and wait for a while be resuming.

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2003

Because you suck? wait 10min if it doesn't complete just cancel the damn thing!

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2003

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