Yu-Gi-Oh episode question

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On that episode with Bakura and Yugi dueling, who won? Well, obviously Yugi has to, you know, but how did he end up doing it? this warrants for details... ~_~

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003


For yugioh u wanna go to the hardcore anime forum site.. No one here is bad ass enough to watch yugioh

-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003

Well, there are two episodes i know of where yugi and bakura duel. in the first duel, in duelest kingdome (series 1) Bakura was going to use change of heart on the little yugi, but since change of heart was the good bakura's favorate card, it was him that was the card, and he switched places with the big, evil bakura, and they won the game. In series 2, battle city, yugi revived the monster that enabled bakura to keep up his location ( im sory, i can't remember the names of the cards they where using) and yugi was able to attack his life points directly. k?

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2003

Thanks, I guess... it was the one where he used Change of Heart and then Kazaa went down... -_-

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2003

Duelest Kingdome is season 2 Battle City starts in season 3 (don't know how many season Battle City is, haven’t finished my DVDs yet. Also there is no “good” Bakura, unless your among the gifted who don’t have a set definition of “good” and “evil.”

"...and the goblin[s] shale inherent the world"

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2003

Yugi because he summons Slifer

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2003

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