can anyone explain to me how to use : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
can anyone explain to me how to use mIRC. I want to download DragonballZ episodes and I've been told that using an IRC channel is the quickest way of doin it. ( feel free to e-mail me )
-- Anonymous, August 26, 2003
Yo i need help dling stuff off of mIRC too and the channel to dl it if you know how please -mail me and the guy that started the opriginal questio... my e-mail is please if you know how please tell us how... thank you
-- Anonymous, August 26, 2003
irc is not quickest way to do it. Also, you dont need mirc to use irc. A very nice chat program called Trillian intigrates Yahoo, MSN, AIM, ICQ, and has its own irc client built in. It works well. Anyway, i dont know a whoel lot about mirc, but i do know that you have to find the right server or whatever, ex: and then type /join #to go into the actual chat room. And then, you get in a line of people waiting to engage in a file-transfer with a person who has the file you need in there. It is NOT the fastest way to file-transfer all the time, rather it varies from person to person that you share with. And also, you said you wanted DBZ? then first find a group that distributes DBZ episodes and then find out exactly where their irc channel/server/whatever is. After you use it for a while, youll get used to irc.
-- Anonymous, August 26, 2003
thanks NaJ. That was very useful.I found a couple of channels where i can connect to.
-- Anonymous, August 26, 2003
IRC is only fast for anime if you know which channels to you should go. It's also not as straight-forward as any other programs that incorporates file transferring. You can go to http://kasshin.anime- to learn more.
-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003
-- Anonymous, August 30, 2003
there is a site called you should really check it out
-- Anonymous, September 05, 2003