where can you get fruit baskets

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

please and thank you!!!!!

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2003


kazza that how i got them

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2003


You'll need emule/edonkey for those ed2k links to work though. http://www.emule-project.net/

It's usually not very fast but it works, beats getting 60mb encodes on kazaa.

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2003

ignore the 60mb comment, was thinking love hina eps :P

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2003

is there anyother way to download fruit basket like on bit torrent ^-^¿

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2003

Doubt you'll find it on bittorrent. Bittorrent is usually only used for new releases. The fansubbed Fruit's basket has been released quite a while ago now. Fruit's Basket being licensed doesn't help either. AlphaAnime is still dvd ripping Fruit's Basket, they've done up to episode12 so far. They don't use bittorrent though.


-- Anonymous, August 26, 2003

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