Misinformation about Tom Joyner & Morris Brown College

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To set the record straight, I recvd several calls and emails about Tom Joyner giving $1 million to Morris Brown College. I was so happy and excited about the news, until my fiance sent me a link from The Associated Press. See below:

Joyner Offers Donation to Morris Brown Provided By: The Associated Press Last Modified: 8/20/2003 9:33:41 PM

Dallas (AP) -- Radio personality Tom Joyner announced Wednesday that he is offering $1 million through his private foundation to help current students at Morris Brown College complete their education.

Joyner says money in the Tom Joyner Foundation is earmarked to students to continue at historically black colleges and universities. Joyner's four-hour drive-time show is aired in more than 110 markets, including his hometown of Dallas. It claims more than a million listeners daily.

He said the foundation will help re-enrolling students pay any outstanding academic-related debt they owe to Morris Brown.

Morris Brown College is a private, liberal arts, four-year institution. It was founded by members of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. More than 200 students' futures are in jeopardy since Morris Brown lost its accreditation in April.

(Copyright 2003 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I am not ungrateful in the least bit; I applaud Mr. Joyner's commitment to historically black colleges and universities. Based on the article, Mr. Joyner isn't giving the money directly to the school but to the students and under certain conditions.

If I am wrong about this article or the donation, please provide accurate information or a link to it.

B Blessed, kc

-- Anonymous, August 21, 2003


In response to the statement above, "Based on the article, Mr. Joyner isn't giving the money directly to the school but to the students and under certain conditions", please allow me a few sentences to elaborate on the terms of the gift.

Yes, this money is a gift to Morris Brown College. Currently, Morris Brown (MBC), like all colleges and universities, is burdened with debt owed by current and former students, which results from students enrolling and deferring their tuition payments (and other charges and fees) until later dates. The gift from the Tom Joyner Foundation to the College will pay off up to $1 million in debt that has been incurred. This gift will allow students to register for classes for the Fall, 2003 academic semester and not have to worry about how to pay off their past due balances. This gift will also allow the College to realize monies that are owed and operate without having to worry about when/if those students will be able to pay their debt.

In other words, we figured out a way to help the College and the students, instead of one or the other. I hope that this clarification will make you feel better about the gift made to the College. Furthermore, I hope that this gift will inspire you to make a large donation to MBC or to solicit others on MBC's behalf.

-- Anonymous, August 25, 2003

I would like to add that I hope that Tom Joyner will connect with the Matah Network and raise some serious money for Morris Brown College. The Matah Network has connected with MBC Alumni and the African Episcopalian Church to ensure that MBC can move forward. The Matah has a plan to truly Empower the school so I hope Mr. Joyner will follow up with this.

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2003

Well, this is really a question ! I am a former student of Morris Brown College and I like many others that took a chance on attending an HBCU dealt with the same drama in 92 that students are dealing with in 2003. The program that many of us were in enrolled in lost accreditation and we were informed that the president at that time had misappropriated funds and the dorms would be closed. Will the monies that Tom Joyner donates assist those students who have also dealt with that same issue and they would like to continue their education at an HBCU but are having difficulty due to outstanding student loan debt for an education never recieved. If this fund doesn't could you provide suggestions on who might be of assistance.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2003

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